Farm fresh eggs

From free-range happy hens

Add a dozen eggs to your veggie or flower share

We offer a limited number of eggs each week from our free-range flock. Our eggs come in a variety of colors, including brown, tan, white, blue and green. The breed of chicken determines the color of egg they lay. Our flock includes Ameraucaunas, Barred Rocks, Blue Cochins, Cuckoo Marans, Rhode Island Reds, Sapphires, and Wyandottes, among others. Oh, and a Crevecoeur who looks like she’s wearing a fluffy black hat. Her name is Elvis. We raise our chickens organically. They eat organic corn and farm veggies, plus all the tomato hornworms and Japanese beetles they can chomp.

You can add eggs on either a weekly or biweekly basis. Order on the GrownBy website by adding eggs to your veggie or flower CSA share.


2025 CSA News